Friday, 30 January 2015

Pixel Art - Visual Arts & Animation 14/15

In session 3 we started the task of creating an isometric pixel art robot. We started by drawing pixels to create box shapes to get the idea of how isometric pixel art works. I then used the techniques to create my robot. I knew that I wanted my robot to have no arms and one eye. I enjoyed this task, but I did find it more challenging than I first expected.
Pixel art linework
Final pixel art robot
Larger image of final robot

Friday, 23 January 2015

Dinosaur (Session 2) - Visual Arts & Animation 14/15

In our second session we were taught the basics of Autodesk Mudbox. We started by trying out the basic tools on a cube and then we were given the following dinosaur to mold into our own version.
I thoroughly enjoyed this session and feel like I have learnt quite a lot in a short amount of time.
Overall I think my dinosaur turned out great and I like the colours and bump map of the scales.
This is what we started with
The head
The back
Here is a turntable render of the finished piece.

Thursday, 22 January 2015

Muscle Homework - Visual Arts & Animation 14/15

Muscle Anatomy
Our first piece of homework after the winter break was to research muscles and label them. I drew out the main muscles in Adobe Illustrator and then added the colour and labels in Photoshop. I enjoyed adding the gradient colour to the muscles as it's something I have not done before. I already knew a few of these from my days of studying sports science at school.
I will edit this post with my research over the next few days.

Friday, 9 January 2015

Lizard - Visual Arts & Animation 14/15

In our first session back after Christmas we were given the outline of a lizard creature by Feng Zhu. We had to block the colours in and then add the highlights to the image. Finally I added scale and metal textures to give it a more realistic look.
Altogether I think it looks quite good, obviously there is room for improvement. But that's the point in being here in the first place right?!
Feng Zhu Sketch

My final piece