Wednesday, 20 January 2016

Jack of All Trades #2 - Games Art 15/16

Here is my one sheet for the 2nd term project. As stated in my previous post I am doing the 'Jack of All Trades'. I put together a quick character of what I want him to look like. I am still torn between whether I want the game to be made out of vector art or make it a side on 3D game. Over the next few days I will be uploading sketches on what I want the world to look like and also what I wish the UI to display.
One Sheet

Here are a few different variations of 'Flob'. I had some help from my girlfriend who showed me through the process of using Adobe Illustrator.
The character
This is how I would like the level to look if I was going to go down the 3D route.
3D Sidescroller
However this is how I would like it to look if I was to go down the vector based route.
Vector Sidescroller

Thursday, 7 January 2016

Jack of all Trades - Games Art 15/16

This term our assignment is to either create a character, and environment or be a jack of all trades. I decided that I wanted to work on all these areas so I picked Jack of all Trades. I feel it's going to be a lot of hard work but hopefully It will be worth the effort. My initial ideas, I feel are quite strong.
I want the game to be an app that can be played on a mobile device and I want it to be platformer.
I will have to draw out my ideas, model, texture and animate them and make a short trailer to show my game idea off.
I will post some screenshots of sort of what I want it to look like.

This is what I imagine the ground to be like, ignore the UI and and car etc. This is how I would like to be doing the procedural terrain.
Hill Climb
This is sort of how I imagine the user interface buttons to be. I will be creating some aspects of the game in Illustrator and I've never really used it before so It will be a learning experience.
UI Buttons

Warm Up Session (Head Typology) - Games Art 15/16

In our first session back after Christmas we were asked to model around the typology of a head that was provided. I've always been skeptical over character modelling as it has to be spot on to look correct. This is my effort in today's session, I managed to get the eyes, lips and a bit of the forehead done. I would have managed to get a bit more done, but I was planning for this terms project that I will write about in my next blog post.
Front and Side view