Friday, 27 March 2015

Character Modeling Assessment - Visual Arts & Animation 14/15

For our end of term assignment we were given the task to model a cartoon character using given source materials. I started at the shoes and worked my way up the legs towards the shoulders. I then used a sub divided cube for the head and then merged them together. After this I extruded from the shoulders to create the arms. The hardest bit was the hands and fingers, but overall I think I did a great job on this organic modelling. Below I have quite a few pictures of my work flow. Overall my total face count was 1192. The last two images show my UV's unwrapped and then my final image.
I believe I did a good job of following the guidelines and I'm happy with my final product.

Legs and feet

Front legs and feet

Side legs and feet


Middle perspective

Front wireframe

Side wireframe

Subdivided cube for the head

Finished head



Unwrapped UV's

Final model

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