Sunday 6 March 2016

Jack of All Trades #3 - Games Art 15/16

I am currently trying to decide whether or not to go down the route of making my idea in 3D or make it in 2D using vectors. I put together two quick concepts of hopefully what they will look like and I also key framed an animation in Maya to see how 'Flob' would move. However, I think I will go ahead and focus on the 3D art as I think it will suit my skills better, however I will be doing the GUI and menu with vectors.
3D Concept and logo
Vector Art Concept with UI

After creating the two concepts I went ahead and put together a rough picture of what the menu might look like. It needs work but I wanted to keep it simple. I created simple buttons for the menu but then decided to scratch them and make better ones.

Rough Menu Button
Flob Rough Menu Concept

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