Tuesday, 19 April 2016

One Room #6 - Games Production 15/16

In this post I am going to be talking about the progress I made on the game with various screenshots. This will hopefully show off my testing to see if things are working and if they look right.
The first picture shows off my finished cabinet fully textured to look like Michaels concept art. I was really happy with this specific result as it shows a true art deco style. I showed my grandmother without telling her what it was for and straight away she told me it was 1930's art deco! This was a great compliment. So I carried on with this style.

Cabinet - Finished

This is the safe that will be going behind the painting. It will be holding the key to escape the room. This is not my best model/texturing, but it will be hidden behind a painting for most of the game!
Safe - Finished

Towel Rack - Finished

In this image I was testing the tile texture that I was using. I was testing to see if the height map was sufficient enough for my desired result. I decided to stick with it.
Testing tile texture

Table and Floor textures

A view of the room with textures

This is the mirror that sits behind the bed, for this I created a render texture and attached it to the a camera that I had sitting in front of the mirror. I set the resolution to 1024 and whilst playing the came is acts as a sort of mirror. Although you cant see yourself due to the character having no mesh.
The Mirror!

Maya render of main objects

Timer and base textures

Sunshafts added!

Beautiful sunshafts!

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